How To Start Protecting Your Business

Your business is rocking, you're ready to go with a new offer, and you are so excited.

But you know you need some legal help.

Whether it's a contract or a trademark or copyright protect your content, you're kind of paralyzed.

  • Where do I start?

  • What do I prioritize?

  • What does the progression look like here?


I stands for Identify

We want to identify everything that's going on in your business. Any creative content, any brand names you have, and relationships you have going on. Whether it's a relationship between you and your clients, or relationship between you and a brand or other brands, or relationships between you and your course members. This could also be a relationship between you and a web developer, because you're having a website built. All in all, get your all the pieces of content that you're creating, your brands, and your relationships on the page.

P stands for Prioritize

What's the most important thing to your business?

Would you just die if someone else got ahold of your brand name? Yeah, then maybe protecting that trademark is priority number one. But if you're taking on clients, and you're worried you might be vulnerable to something somewhere in your client relationship, and that's what's kind of eating away, then maybe a client contract is the first thing on your priority list.

Again, going through those things and saying, “what's my biggest priority?”

If you're creating content, then protecting that content might be a priority, but also making sure that the right contracts are in place for whoever you're creating that content for is a priority.

P stands for Protect

Obviously, we want to protect what's protectable, right? And do what we need to do to protect those things in that priority order that you did in step number two. To protect for the trademark, we run the trademark search and we get it registered with the trademark office. If it's a client contract, you get those contracts in place. We might set up a copyright registration lesson so that as you're creating content and putting it out there, you can just register it yourself with the copyright office.

To summarize - identify, prioritize, protect are the three steps when you're thinking okay, where do I start in terms of the legal stuff when it comes to my business.

Need a done-for-you contract for your growing business?
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