All of the contracts you need to start and grow your business

Customizable, multiple-choice style, & attorney-drafted.

You’ve spent so much time developing your expertise, your content, and your brand. You’re not about to risk it all.

Building a six and seven figure online business ain’t easy. You’re busy:

creating content,

making sales,

connecting with your audience.

But when you get quiet, you might hear that voice…

🥺 What if my client wants to cancel halfway through my program?

😵 What if one of my students rips off my course content?

🥵 What if my VA is reckless with my passwords?

If you’re ready for more security and confidence that your brand, content, and relationships are protected against a mountain of “what ifs,” you’re in the right spot.

Make space for more time, more money, and more ease in your business by making sure your content, brand and relationships are legally protected.

Here’s how the full Legal Apothecary gets you all of the contracts you need to start and protect your business.

  • With your Library card, you get access to ALL of the contract templates in The Legal Apothecary Library (and all updates and future contracts, too, for as long as you have your card).

  • Is there a document you need, but you don’t see it in the Library? I take all requests into consideration when adding to the Library!

  • Need an audit? Great. Your library card gets you 50% off.

    What’s a Business Legal Audit? Think of it like a wellness check for your business. (Your provider wouldn’t tell you to amp up the Vitamin D if she didn’t know your levels in the first place, right?)

    With this audit, I'll:

    ✔️ review your offers,

    ✔️ review your creative process,

    ✔️look through your socials,

    ✔️ take inventory of any contracts you're using.

    ✔️ look through your website and provide feedback on tweaks that I recommend (using the TM symbol, copyright symbol, any necessary disclaimers, and other terms),

    ✔️make some suggestions to you on hot spots that I've found -- places where we need to shore up protection in your brand, creative output, or business relationships.

    I’ll create a list of priorities and figure out what we should focus on during our time together.

You’re ready to just focus on growing your reach, your impact, and your bottom line.

And if you want to keep focusing on THOSE things, you’ve gotta make sure you’re protecting the most valuable parts of your business: your content, your brand, your relationships, and your time. You cannot waste time on :

📝 bloated,

😵‍💫 confusing,

💾 clunky-@$% contract templates.

Kind of…like this one ➡️

🚫 I give a big N-O to this type of template 🚫

That fill-in word doc? That was how I used to offer contract templates. 🫢


Copy/paste options.

All of it.

(And all of which require you to spend time scrolling through, deleting, and typing stuff in yourself. Which leaves room for more user error!)

Not you. Nope. Not anymore.

Just watch me create website terms and conditions in less than two minutes

When it comes to legal protection for your business, say goodbye to :

🚫 Taking time out of your day to modify generic templates (or, EEK, creating contracts from scratch);

👎 Using contracts not specifically designed for your industry or the way you do business;

🫣 Worrying about potential legal disputes you might be opening yourself up to and the financial consequences that come with them;

😝 Feeling overwhelmed by the task of deciphering confusing legal language;

…or generally taking valuable time away from your business.

Because every minute you spend deciphering, writing, and filling out messy documents is time you’re NOT focusing on those things that grow your expertise, your values, and that number in your bank account.

One custom contract can cost you four figures, easily.

And it’s not that you can’t afford that per se, but you have other priorities right now (like an amazing virtual assistant to handle some of the things that you don’t have time to tackle).

The Legal Apothecary Library is a library of attorney-drafted templates with a built-in send-it-out-for-signature feature, is a fraction of the cost of a custom contract (while still allowing for customizations based on the way you do business!).

Questions and Answers

  • The Legal Apothecary Library Card is for you if:

    ✅ You’re a soul-led, service-based business owner. (You might have some products for sale, too, but it’s not your main stream of income for your business.)

    ✅ You are — or want to be — multi-dimensional in terms of your content and the way you make money.

    ✅ You you want to do right by your business – before the next KABOOM growth opportunity presents itself.

    ✅ You’ve crowdsourced asked AI about business issues in the past (👿 Facebook groups are the devil, Chat GPT even worse), and you crave some actual, legit solutions that you’re confident can put in place and then get back to business.

    And obviously...

    ✅ Your business is your baby. And even though you’re not supposed to hinge your view of your self on your business’s success, it’s part of your identity. And you know that if you don’t protect yourself and your business, you won’t have the confidence backing up the opportunities and decisions that could propel your growth.

  • Okay this… is a steal.

    I you google “contract templates for coaches,” you’ll easily find them for something like $500 a piece.

    And there are 17+ templates in this library.

    But I truly want this to be a time-saving tool you (or your team!) can use without it being a thorn in your bottom line.

    So here’s the investment:

    One payment of $1222. (With an option to pay in installments via Affirm, if that’s your jam.)

    And then you’ve got your contracts. Forever.

  • For Coaching + Consulting:

    •Business-to-Business Consulting Agreement

    •Group Coaching Agreement

    •Retreat Waiver

    •One-on-One Coaching Contract

    •Membership Terms and Conditions


    For Sharing Content + Expertise:

    •Professional Speaker Agreement

    •Contest Rules

    •Giveaway Rules

    •Podcast Guest Contract

    •Online Course Terms and Conditions
    • Photo/Video Appearance Release (for models and/or for guest speakers)


    For Doing Business Online:

    •Terms of Use

    •E-Commerce Terms of Use (that's special terms if you're selling something on your site – digital or physical)

    •Privacy Policy


    For Growing Your Team:

    •Virtual Assistant Agreement

    •Independent Contractor (aka 1099) Agreement

    •Internship Agreement

    •IP Rights Agreement

    Coming Soon

    •One-on-One Energy Healer Agreement

    •Event Speaker Agreement

    •Event Sponsor Agreement

  • Cool. Just let me know and we’ll get working on it. 😎 (If it’s something super-ultra custom that wouldn’t apply to anyone else’s business, we might have to get you a Legal Infusion.)

  • A lot of these contracts are geared toward one central purpose: protecting your creative content, your brand, your likeness, and your liabilities. The law can be different from state to state and may be subject to different interpretation, depending on the interpreting court.

    The contract templates contained in the Library were drafted for general use in the United States, but if you have questions about how any template in the Library will affect you, your business, or a contracting party, if your wishes do not seem to fit with a specific contract, or if you have questions regarding your particular state’s laws, you should engage an attorney for a brief consultation to address your specific needs.

  • THIS is a great question. NO. The Lbrary is there to provide you with contract templates and I will be there to answer your questions if you have issues utiizing the third-party software that delivers those documents to you.

    I would not be your attorney for any purpose unless we enter into a written Legal Services Engagement Agreement.

  • Due to the digital nature of the Library, all purchases and are non-refundable.

The antidote to boring (or, heaven forbid, DIY) legal care for your business?

A fiercely feminine, intimidation-free lawyer/business cheerleader. (Think Elle Woods-like enthusiasm, but with turmeric milk and some white sage on her desk instead of sorority pics and a copy of Cosmo.)

I’m Maria, your crystal-loving, herbal medicine-curious friend who just happens to be a lawyer.

I’ve been practicing law for thirteen years and started my own practice 8 years ago for one reason: to make the process of starting and growing a business un-intimidating and low-stress.

(I also love popcorn, my family, The Real Housewives of New Jersey, and singing along to Brandi Carlile.)

I want you to have the time-saving tools to you need keep growing your six and seven-figure online business.

I created The Legal Apothecary so that you can automatically generate documents that are:

✅ attorney-drafted (ahem, not AI-drafted)

✅ tailored to your particular business, and

✅ easy to use, thanks to a quick Q&A, multiple choice format. (Remember madlibs?!)

But don’t take my word for it. Take Sam’s.

“It just makes my life so much easier. It makes me feel like my business is in really good hands and it makes me feel empowered to be able to create and implement contracts in minutes and not weeks. It’s amazing.”

Samantha Remboldt, The Color Palette Studio

Take control of your business's legal protection (and, dare I say, your business’s wellness) with credible, easy-to-use, tailored-to-how-you-do-business contracts.

Sign up and start using your Legal Apothecary Library card today!