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Here's your Business Blind Spot:

Protection Paralysis

So you’ve got a growing collection of creative content, and your brand is becoming more and more synonymous with yourself, and yet there’s a voice in the back of your head wondering “what if...?”

...What if someone copies my content? 

...What if someone is using my brand name?

….What if a contributor or contractor takes my info and creates a spinoff? 

 You want to feel secure and confident that your brand, content, and relationships are protected against the inevitable “what ifs.”

You want protection, but you're stuck in paralysis.

  • If you don’t know how to protect the most valuable part of your business, you risk spending countless hours dealing with legal problems when you find out your hard work has been compromised.

  • When you’re protected you can give your full attention to those parts of your business that light you up. You can be your most creative, free self. You can bounce back from setbacks faster. And you can grow and form new relationships with confidence.

it’s not easy–heck, it’s overwhelming–if you don’t know legal terminology and you don’t know what contracts will protect you, or what questions to be asking.

Here's the kicker... You don’t need to know all the legal jargon or invest thousands of dollars to be protected. You’re closer to understanding your options than you think.

I know adding security to the various facets of your business feels intense. So complicated! But, if it were effortless I know you’d protect your content, your brand, and your relationships how they deserve to be protected. That’s what I’m here for. To make protecting your business effortless.

Your missing puzzle piece might just be a jargon-free explanation of how your business is actually protected.

⬇ So here it is: Your business-saving blind spot breakdown ⬇

Copyright protects creative works. Not just things like art and music, but also website content, videos, social media posts (yep), e-course content, pdfs, and podcast episodes. You have copyrights in the creative content that you create immediately. As in, as soon as it’s created in some kind of tangible form. Boom.

Trademark protects brand names. Not just your overarching main brand name, but things like product names, service package names, course and membership names, and podcast names. You have rights to your trademark the moment you begin selling a product or service under that name. Boom

Relationships are protected via your contracts. More specifically, contracts are there to make sure everyone is on the same page in terms of their expectations on how the relationship is going to work. Boom.


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What does it look like behind the scenes when you have a grip on the essential legal stuff and how it affects your business? You...

  • Quickly add people (and projects!) to your team without thinking twice

  • Have peace of mind that your legal ducks are in a row so that if “it” does hit the fan, you’re prepared – like knowing you already have homeowner’s insurance when a tornado hits

  • Say yes to new opportunities quickly – and with more confidence.

Ready to take the next step in overcoming that feeling of “I don’t know what I don’t know”?

I have an entire YouTube channel where I dedicate my time to explaining internet-specific legal concepts in an easy-to-understand way, so that you're not questioning (or kicking yourself) later. Here are some of my top videos to get you started.